Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Half-way there

Tonight marks the end of day 7. 7 days left of the strictest part of this experiment. 

Brown rice "oatmeal" style
Home made applesauce on top
Black coffee

After breakfast I had horrible cravings for some comfort food. It was a tough morning and I'm feeling worn out. I broke down with my first big cheat. I kept out the wheat, gluten, sugar and tomatoes but had eggs with ham and cheese. Not the worst damage I could do but not great either. Damn, they were good! 

Lunch was a tasty turkey burger with califlour sautéed in garlic and coconut oil.

I attempted making a bread like substance this afternoon that did not work well. I will eat it but it is not even close to bread... Oops! 

Dinner was a super mega tasty taco salad. And by taco salad for me I mean ground turkey, lettuce, home made guacamole ( 1 avacado, garlic, onion and salt) and home made oil and vinegar dressing. It was 90% gone before I even thought about taking a picture. 

7 days down and mostly I just feel worn out. I have had a headache almost every night but hoping it passes soon. Hoping I get some answers from all of this. Here's to a better tomorrow...

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